Volunteer Needs
children's ministry
Position(s): Elementary Small Group Leader, Preschool Leader & Nursery Volunteer
Time Commitment: One service each week, serving one month on, then one month off.
Expectations: Arrive at service 15 minutes early, having reviewed materials beforehand. Lead kids/preschoolers through groups and engage with the kids in through discussions and activities.
Vision: We want to see each child that attends EP Kids have a relationship with Jesus and then grow in that relationship because of your investment in them.
Position: Sunday Prayer Team
Time Commitment: 15 minutes a week
Expectations: Come forward and be available to pray with people during communion and worship in the service you attend.
Vision: That people would have options and opportunity to be prayed with and that our congregation as a whole would invest more time into prayer.
Pastoral Care
Position: Life Group Leader
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours a week plus an hour long meeting every 6 weeks.
Expectations: Promote, support and facilitate a small group of people who gather regularly.
Vision: To see the house church model in Acts 2 come to life at Eastpark. To see the people of Eastpark and people from the community regularly gathering, living out their relationship with God.
Position: Greeting Team
Time Commitment: 90 minutes a month, scheduled 1 time a month.
Expectations: Arrive at least 15 minutes before the service that you are scheduled to greet. Greet people as they come in the church, giving special attention to new people who may need assistance or have questions about Eastpark.
Vision: That people coming into Eastpark would feel genuinely welcomed and would integrate into our church by attending regularly, coming to events and joining a life group.
Position(s): Graphic Design & Facilities (separate)
Time Commitment: Graphic Design varies - Up to 5 hours a week. Facilities varies - 1 hour a month to several hours a week
Expectations: Graphic Design: To create graphics for all of Eastpark’s communication.
Facilities: To complete various facilities work around the church. Current needs are touch up paint, sheetrock repair, gutters cleaned, moss treatment on roofs and much more.
Vision: Eastpark’s communication and facilities would be consistent and appealing to the community, helping us to be relevant and accessible.