Sermon audio files
We are loved
1. We Are Loved | 12/15/24
Study questions
1. Read Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:18-21. God's love is not passive or reactive—it’s proactive and initiating. Just as God set in motion the miraculous birth of Jesus long before it happened, He’s always working in our lives, even when we can't see it. Reflect on times when God has taken the initiative in your life. How has He pursued you with His love?
a) In what ways do you struggle with feeling truly loved and accepted, and how might the Christmas story address those struggles? Consider areas where you may be holding back from fully embracing God's love. How could you open your heart more fully to His initiating love today?
b) In what areas of your life do you find it difficult to trust God's plan, like Joseph initially struggled with Mary's pregnancy?
2. How does God's love, as shown through Christmas, address the three core desires we have for acceptance, significance and security?
3. Read Romans 6:23 and 1 Peter 2:24-25. We often try to earn God's love or make ourselves worthy, but we can never bridge the gap between our sinfulness and God's holiness on our own, so Jesus came to be our Savior because we desperately need one. Reflect on the immense love demonstrated in Christ's willingness to bear our sins. How does this change your perspective on your own struggles with sin?
a) How does your appreciation for this undeserved grace change your attitude and approach to life? Why?
4. Read Matthew 1:22-23 and John 1:14. The name Immanuel reminds us that God's ultimate desire is to be with us. He isn’t distant, He chose to enter our world and experience our struggles. In what areas of your life do you need to be more aware of God's presence?
a) How might your daily experiences change if you constantly remembered that God is with you?
5. Read John 3:16 and Romans 5:8. God's love for us isn't dependent on our response, but it does invite one. Just as Joseph had to decide how to respond to God's unexpected plan, we too must choose how we'll react to God's love. Reflect on your own journey of faith. What has been your response to God's love so far?
a) Are there areas where you're still hesitant to fully trust or obey? Why?
6. Read 1 John 4:9-11 and Ephesians 3:16-19. God’s love is not just a theological concept - it's meant to transform how we live. When we truly grasp the depth of God's love for us, it changes how we see ourselves and others. How has knowing God's love impacted your self-worth and your relationships?
a) In what ways can you extend God's love to others today?
2. We Are Accepted | 12/22/24
Study questions
1. Read Matthew 1:19. How does Jesus' choice of family challenge our assumptions about what makes someone 'acceptable' to God?
a) What aspects of Jesus' family background most surprise you, and how does this change your perception of Him?
b) In what areas of your life do you struggle to accept God's unconditional acceptance of you, and why?
c) How does Jesus' experience of poverty and reliance on others for support challenge our views on status and self-sufficiency?
2. Read Mark 2:17 and Luke 4:18-19. How might our attitudes and actions towards others change if we truly believed that no one is 'unacceptable' to God?
a) In what ways can we make our church community more welcoming and accepting of those who might feel like ‘outsiders'?
3. Read Hebrews 4:14. How does Jesus' choice of family demonstrate His purpose in coming to Earth? How does this impact your understanding of His mission?
4. Read 1 Peter 2:24 and Romans 10:9-10. Discuss the ABC's of salvation mentioned in the sermon (Admit your sin is a problem, Believe Jesus solved it by dying on the Cross, Choose to turn back to God). How would you explain this concept to someone unfamiliar with Christianity?
a) Practice sharing your testimony using the ABC's of salvation (Admit, Believe, Choose). Role-play with a partner in the group.