Vision Driven
Part 2: Living Generously by Faith | 09/01/19
Study Questions
1. Read Proverbs 29:18. Why is aimlessness the result of living without God's vision for life?
a) How does God's vision for our lives give us 'aim' - purpose and direction?
2. Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. Why do you think we naturally feel 'reluctant' to give and share?
What does our reluctance show us about:
a) what we love?
b) what we trust?
c) what we believe about God?
3. "Tithing shouldn't be part of a New Testament Christian conversation about giving". Discuss this comment in relation to 2 Corinthians 9:7.
4. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6. How does God want us to give now? How should we determine what to give? If this is a new concept for you, how will you respond to God's Word to you?
5. "Our vision for ourselves is: the more we get the happier we'll be, but God's vision for us is: the more we give the happier we'll be". Do you agree/disagree? Why? How does this relate to Acts 20:35?
6. How does contentment free us? Read 2 Corinthians 9:10-11 and relate this to God's vision for us as his people.
7. Go back to question 2. How do you need to adjust your behavior to align what you do to what you actually believe?
Part 3: Living Expectantly with Hope | 09/08/19
Study Questions
1. What was your vision for your life growing up - your dreams and ambitions?
2. Read Proverbs 29:18
a) Why is restraint helpful?
b) Why do we naturally dislike things that restrain us, and having to have restraint?
c) How is the church's mission part of God's 'restraint' that guides us personally?
3. Read our vision out aloud. Which area do you need to grow in?
a) Write down or share something you can focus on this week to develop this in your life.
b) Are there aspects of your vision for your life that you need to set aside to better experience God's vision for your life in this area?
4. If our vision for our life is not naturally what God's vision for our life is, how can we make sure we live out God's plan and not ours?
5. Read 1 Corinthians 9:26. What would it take for you to be "all in" for God and his vision for your life?
Part 4: Living Missionally Globally | 09/15/19
Study Questions
1. Do you genuinely believe God is actively at work in the world today? Why/why not?
a) How might this affect your prayer?
b) How might this affect your confidence to speak about Jesus?
2. How does being convinced that God is actively at work in our community change how we live?
3. Read James 2:15-17. The way we partner with God is by meeting people's needs. If our faith is shown by what we do, how could you use your time and resources to do this?
4. How does believing God is the only one who has answers to the problems in our community and nation make a difference to our attitude and actions?
5. "God's mission is a lifestyle" . What do you make of this statement?
6. The church used to astonish non-believers by their courageous counter-cultural actions. What are you doing that 'astonishes' unbelievers?
7. What difference might it make if we stopped thinking of ourselves as 'giving up' things for God and began seeing it as a privilege to serve Him?
Part 5: Living Missionally Locally | 09/22/19
Study Questions
1. What difference does it make to know that God's at work in the world? Why?
a) Where do you see God at work in your world/life?
2. Today the church is very different from what we've assumed it is - for example the average Christian in the world today is a black, African, female around the age of 28, and only 1 in 6 Christians are Westerners. How does that reality affect the way you approach the mission of God here in the US?
3. Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8. What is the mission of God?
a) How does the mission statement of East Park Church reflect God's mission?
b) What does a missional life look like?
4. "Missional people are focused on the mission of God, and the mission of God is people". Is this statement too simplistic? Why, why not?
5. Read Luke 19:1-10. Like Jesus, missional people are focused on people, and genuinely care about people. What would it take for you to be more focused on people?
6. Share how you are going to change your world this week by being more people focused and deliberately engage people, learning their names and stories and spending more time with them?