Real life


Section Title

Part 1: Real Life  |  04/24/22

Study questions

1.  Take some time to read through all of 1 John.  What are the repeated words and core themes you notice?

2.  Now read John 1:1-14.  What similarities do you see linking these ideas to 1 John?

3.  Read 1 John 5:13.  This is the purpose of the letter.  What things would you describe as evidence of someone who is living in close connection with God?

4.  Read 1 John 1:1-2,14 and Hebrews 1:3.  If Jesus is the evidence or expression of God’s essence, what are the attributes of God (refer back to John 1 as well)?

5.  Read 1 John 1:3What does it mean to have “fellowship with God”. 

6.  Read 2 Peter 1:3-4.  How do we participate (have fellowship) in the divine nature of God?  What is the purpose of us having this constant opportunity in this life?

7.  What truth is hitting you most after studying these verses?  Why do you think God is bringing your attention to this in particular?

Part 2: Real Life  |  05/01/22

Study questions

1.  Read 1 John 1:5-10. In the Bible light is a metaphor for righteousness and goodness, and darkness is a metaphor for sin and evil.  Now read John 3:20, Ephesians 5:3–14, Acts 26:14–18, and Proverbs 4:18.  Who are children of the darkness? 

     a)  What does the light do to the one who is in darkness? 

     b)  What turns someone from darkness to light?

2.  Read 1 John 1:6–10 again.  There are some lies presented here that Christians can buy into.  What do you think they are, and what truths do we need to be reminded of?

3.  The phrases “walk in darkness” and “walk in the light” indicate a continuous action or lifestyle.  What does it mean, practically, to walk in the darkness or to walk in the light?  

     a)  Do you think a believer can walk in darkness?  Why or why not?

4.  How would you define hypocrisy?  Where do you hypocrisy in your life?

5.  Why is repentance and confession such an important part of the life of a Christian? 

     a)  What are the consequences if we're unwilling to repent/confess?  (See 1 John 1:6–10)

6.  In Christ, we are not only forgiven, we are cleansed.  How can this truth make a difference in how we view ourselves, our sin, and our Savior?

7.  Read Romans 6:11-14.  What did Paul say about sin in the life of the believer?  Is the problem with sin a God problem or a personal problem?

8.  The word “Advocate” in 1 John 2:1 is the Greek word “parakletos”: someone who is summoned to come to someone’s aide, called to one’s side, one who pleads another’s cause before a judge, an intercessor, helper, and assistant.  What do the following verses reveal about Jesus being our Advocate: John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26, and John 16:7.

     a)  Read Luke 22:31-32 and Romans 8:34.  What do you see happening in these verses?  What do you learn about Jesus as our Advocate?

     b)  What difference does knowing this make to how you live, and to how you react/respond when you sin?

Part 3: Real Life  |  05/08/22

Study questions

1.  Read 1 John 2:7-18.  Now look over what John has already taught in this letter.  What should motivate our love for God?

2.  Read John 13:35.  How is our love for each other evidence of the existence of God?

3.  God’s presence in us as the light transforms us.  Rather than being a reason to boast, our life change assures us that we are living in Him, and gives God glory.  How have you experienced the darkness passing and the light shining in your life?

4.  Read 1 John 2:10.  How does living in the light free us personally, and in our relationships?

5.  Verse 14 talks about our status as overcomer's because we are “in Christ”, who overcame sin and death by His death and resurrection.  Verses 15-17 talk about how we are to walk that status out in real life.  Unpack these verses to describe how we overcome the world practically. 

6.  Read Ephesians 5:8-16.  We are already children if the light, but part of walking that out is “making the most of every opportunity”.  What opportunities to love others and show others Jesus, is God giving you right now?

Part 4: Real Life  |  05/15/22

Study questions

1.  When there are turbulent social issues going on, do you tend to engage in heated discussion or withdraw from the conversation altogether?  Why?

2.  Read Titus 3:1-8.  What is Paul’s big idea here?

3.  Read verse 3.  What descriptions in there remind you of what you used to be like before you followed Jesus? 

     a)  Why is it important for us to remember where we came from?

4.  Read Titus 3:4-5, and Ezekiel 36:26.  If the Spirit activates new life, what are we “born again” to become?  What is the difference between the Biblical idea of regeneration by the Spirit and the popular notion of God just making us the best version of ourselves?

5.  Read verse 7 What difference does justification make to the way God sees you?  You see yourself?  The way you interact with God?

6.  Read verse 8.  Why do we need to “be careful” to devote ourselves to doing what is good?  

     a)  How do you relate to this? 

     b)  In what ways can you reflect the way God has treated you, in the way you treat others?

Part 5: Real Life | 05/22/22

Study questions

1. What is your baseline understanding of what the “anointing” of the Spirit is? Where have those ideas come from?

2. Read Matthew 7:21-23. Discuss the implications for us as we think that there will be people who seem to be followers of

God, that Jesus will say “I never KNEW you” to.

3. Read 1 John 2:20 and 27, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. What does the anointing assure us of? 

4. If the Spirit is a guarantee of our eternal salvation, His presence is permanently in you until you are face to face with God. How does that impact you personally?

5. Read John 16:15. What does it mean for the Spirit to make things from God KNOWN to us?

6. How have you experienced the Spirit’s presence giving you a spiritual knowing or discernment in the past? How was this discernment used by God to grow His Kingdom? Have you ever ignored the prompting and regretted it in retrospect?

7. Read 1 John 3:1-3. Unpack what it means that the final outworking of Gods Spirit is that we will be like Jesus. How does that influence the things you do here on earth now because His Spirit is in you?