One Off Sermons 2025-Video

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study notes

1. Running The Race of Faith  |  02/09/25

Study questions

1. Read Hebrews 12:1-4. What quality does the Christian race demand? What conditions must be fulfilled if it is to be run successfully? How may you gain the help you need to finish the course?

2. LISTEN - What is the difference between copying a person or learning from them? Is there a person in your life you want to be like? Why?   

3. DIVEST - Why is it so difficult to get the lizard off your shoulder? What are you willing to do to get rid of it?

4. FOCUS - Where Are your eyes focused while running the race? Why do you keep running the race? Why did Jesus run the race?  

5. How can we as a Life Group be running partners with one another? What is God saying to us and what are going to do about it?

2. The Mighty Men of David  |  02/16/25

Study questions


1. Read 2 Samuel 23:1-7. In these last words of David, list the attributes that caused men to want to follow him?

2. Read 2 Samuel 23: 8-17. Look at the three Mighty Men who were highlighted in this passage.  What made these misfits who were distressed, in debt, bitter in soul (1 Samuel 22:1-2), become Mighty Men of Service, Passion and Endurance?

3. Who are the people in your life who influenced or challenged you in:

  •       Service
  •       Passion
  •       Endurance

4. Discuss how :

  •          God the Father shows us: Service
  •          Jesus the Son models: Passion
  •          The Holy Spirit inspires: Endurance

5. Discuss how the people in your Life Group could help you to develop these attributes?

3. Healing  |  02/23/25

Study questions

1.  Read Exodus 15:22-27.  Moses turned straight to God for help.  Why do we tend to turn to God as a last resort?

     a)  What are some of the things you typically resort to first before turning to God?  Why?

     b)  How can we learn to turn to God as a first resort?

2.  Read Matthew 20:29-34.  Jesus asked two blind men what they wanted because faith is an essential requirement for healing.  What do you want from God?

3.  Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.  God doesn't always do what we want.  What can we learn from Paul regarding how to respond when God doesn't heal us or do what we hope/expect Him to?