Act Like A Man! | 06/18/23
Study questions
1. Read 1 Kings 2:1-4. What does our society think a “man” is and how is it related to a man’s identity?
a) How do you think gender confusion today has affected people’s sense of identity in general?
2. These verses say that a man’s actions should reflect his understanding of the identity God has given him. What do verses 2-3 say about what God wants men to make sure they do with their lives?
3. Read Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 6:4, and Proverbs 14:26. How do responsibility and restraint actually give us freedom and a sense of purpose?
4. In verse 2 “strong” means courageous or valiant. Read 1 Corinthians 16:13, and Ephesians 5:25. How do courage and self-sacrifice work together in God’s call for husbands and fathers, and what effect does that have on families?
International Mission | 02/12/23
Study questions
1. What is the gospel? Support your answer with Scripture.
2. Read Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:16-18, Acts 1:8, and Acts 26:20. According to these verses, what should the church's priorities be?
3. How are you practically involved in spreading the gospel right now, here in Vancouver?
a) Where are you seeing evidence of God at work?
4. How can we make sure we are meeting people’s spiritual needs while meeting their physical needs?
5. In what ways can the Western church model be unhelpful as we reach out to other cultures?
6. Nok (our missions partner in Bangkok) is ministering largely online. She teaches people to rely on the Holy Spirit every day because they are isolated from church community. What could we learn from that?
7. The Good News Team expects God to work through their ministry. How can we have the same mindset here in Vancouver?
8. Cheunjit has been working in Thai Remand Centers since 2004. Since then she has led over 500 students to the Lord and continued to disciple them once they leave the Center, helping them integrate back into society. Why is long term discipleship and 'mentoring the whole person' so significant?
a) Who could you walk alongside as a mentor here?
9. Our partners in India have a ministry motivated by love for the LGBTQ+ community without condoning their lifestyle. How could we balance these two things here in Vancouver?
10. How do we misunderstand God’s grace when we ask people to conform to particular standards of behavior before we associate with them, or as soon as they become Christians?
a) Some people need to belong before they will believe. How doe this challenge traditional church thinking? How can we wisely use this reality to facilitate sharing the gospel?
Push Play | 10/03/21
Study questions
1. Read Jeremiah 10:23. What is your response to Gods claim on your life?
2. Read 2 Chronicles 27:6. A literal translation says Jotham 'turned his face towards what God said was right for His people'. What do you need to do to turn your life more toward God and toward what He says is right?
3. What does “handing over the remote control” to your life look like?
a) What do you suspect could get in the way of that for you?
b) What accountability system can you put in place to ensure you do what He wants you to do?
4. Consider Gods holiness. What does holy mean?
5. Read 1 Peter 1:13-23. What is your natural response to God’s holiness?
a) How does God want us to respond to His holiness?
The Rulers of the World | 07/25/21
Study questions
1. In Genesis 1, Moses describes the origin of the world to let Gods people know that He created the world to be a place for them to thrive and to live with Him. How is this still God’s purpose for us?
2. Read Genesis 1:26 and 2 Corinthians 5:20. So what is Gods purpose for you in the world?
3. He has given us power so we will take initiative and act, work, and rule the way He does. How does this sit with your view of how God works in the world?
4. Read Genesis 1:27. How are community and relationship revealed here? How does this speak to how we should value diversity and unity?
5. We were made to be fruitful and creative. What does that look like in your life? How might God and His purposes be reflected in these parts of your life?
6. How can you bring order in your community? How can you speak life and light to those around you?
7. How do we guard against our abilities being used for our own gain, rather than to reflect God’s image in the world?
8. After Adam and Eve sinned, they covered themselves and hid. How can sin hide God’s image in you? How does self-centeredness keep us from allowing God and others to know us? How does this damage what God intended life to be?
9. God rested even though there was still darkness in the world, because his goal was to share it with others. How does this speak to issues of overwork/burnout and perfectionism? How can you work and live in a way so that you can share what you have with others more readily?
The Bride of Christ | 07/18/21
Study questions
1. Kim shared how since grade school her daughter-in-law had kept a tie in her room, praying daily and saving herself for the man who would one day wear it as her husband. What's our version of that story as the bride of Christ—how can we relate to it?
2. Read Revelation 19:6-7 and 21:2-4 noting all the 'no mores'. What do you look forward to most about 'that day'?
a) What do you think God looks forward to most about it?
3. Read Ephesians 5:25. Like a groom looking at his bride coming down the aisle, how do you think Jesus looks at you personally—what do you imagine you'd see in His eyes if you walked towards Him?
a) Do you allow yourself to be loved by God? If not, what stops you fully accepting His love?
b) What difference does it make to know that God loves us perfectly and unconditionally even though He knows we'll never be able to love Him the way He loves us?
4. Read Revelation 19:7-8 and Ephesians 5:25-27. The bride (the church) is to make herself ready, but at the same time God makes us ready by clothing us with the righteousness of Christ. What does this mean, and what difference does it make?
5. Read Revelation 22:12 and 17. "As a body we focus on doing things for God, but as a Bride we just want to be with Him". Which do you relate to most? Why?
6. Read Revelation 5:9-11 and John 17:21. How is the world's constant focus on our differences impacting our thinking and the way we approach church? What can we do to counter this?
7. Read Hebrews 10:24-25. As 'living stones' being actively shaped by God into a holy priesthood together, we inevitably feel hurt and offended at times by other believers. How does understanding our identity as the Bride of Christ help us to put our feelings aside and honor the church by treating other believers with grace and love rather than running from each other?
a) How can you restore hope for others in the church by the way you treat the church?
Made For Glory | 07/11/21
Study questions
1. What does it mean to glorify God? How do you define “God’s glory”?
2. Read 2 Samuel 7:2. What resources do you recognize that you have in your life specifically to be used for God’s glory?
3. Read 1 Kings 5:3-5 and 1 Corinthians 6:19. The temple wasn't just a shelter for the Ark of Gods presence, it was to reflect Gods splendor, reputation and character to everyone around it. As you think about yourself as Gods temple, how does this translate to the way you live?
4. Read Acts 12:21-23. How can we steal Gods glory?
5. Read Ephesians 5:3-4. What’s the difference between seeing sin as 'breaking the rules', and seeing our behavior through the lens of simply what’s 'appropriate' for a temple of the Holy Spirit designed to honor God?
6. Read 1 Peter 2:5. How is this world like a 'quarry' that God is using to make us ready to be Gods spiritual house? What are the difficult things God's using in your life right now to shape you?
7. Why is trusting God vital in the process of Him shaping us?
8. Read 1 Kings 6:2, 38, 7:1. Take a moment personally to consider the scale of your life—the time and effort you’re investing in your interests and pastimes (your glory) versus God’s glory, your selfish ambition versus building Gods kingdom. Ask God how He wants to transform you?
True Religion | 07/04/21
Study questions
1. What generally motivates you more to act: guilt, what others will think, what’s popular, or what God is saying to you?
2. Discuss this question: Is God calling Christians to activism?
a) Read Luke 6:27-31. How do these verses change your response to the previous question?
3. Read Matthew 5:13-16, Isaiah 58:10. How does being salt and light impact injustice in our society?
4. How do the issues of injustice the world promotes, differ from the injustice God cares about?
5. Read Romans 12:1-2. How do you decide what areas of injustice God wants you to respond to?
6. What issues God has given you a heart to make an impact for Him in, and how He has been giving you opportunities to do this?
The Power of Completion | 06/20/21
Study Questions
1. How does completing things in our lives reflect the nature of God?
2. Read Genesis 1:31-2:2, John 19:28-30, Philippians 4:6. How is completion a moral issue?
3. Read James 4:17. What's the link between not finishing what we start (or doing what we know we should do) and dissatisfaction in life?
a). What is the relationship between anxiety and things in our lives being incomplete?
4. Why is completion essential in relationships, setting boundaries, and being set free from emotional bondage?
5. Read Ephesians 2:10. How is completion vital if we want to grow spiritually, keep in step with God’s will, and finishing well?
6. How is busyness a vicious obstacle to fulfilling our God-given responsibilities, and why do we excuse it so easily?
7. Read Acts 20:24, Hebrews 12:1-2. Examine your life. What are the things in your life that are incomplete? Spend time asking God to show you what steps you need to take to resolve the obstacles to completion. Be ruthless about throwing off whatever hinders you from finishing the race marked out for you.
International Mission Service | 11/29/20
Study Questions
1. What has your experience been with international missions?
a) Is there an aspect of international mission that you were not aware of? (short term trips, sending believers, partnering with indigenous believers?)
2. Read Acts 8:26-38. What was unique about this encounter?
a) How does this scripture help to guide us as we approach international mission?
3. Read Romans 10:14-15 and Philippians 4:14-19
a) Are you willing to be sent? Or are you not willing to entertain that idea? Why or why not?
b) If God calls us all to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, what is your role? How can your role increase?
4. Read and discuss these stories – - break into smaller groups and take time to pray for our mission partners.
International Mission - Team Report
1. What are the benefits of partnering with local indigenous people, compared to the benefits of sending international workers?
2. What surprised or impacted you the most about our partners?
3. Jesudoss said of marginalized and oppressed people: "Unless we accept them we will have no opportunity to speak to them about Jesus." Do you agree/disagree? Why?
a) What would that philosophy look like in your life if you adopted it personally?
4. We believe God is calling us to increase our International Partner support, and that God is leading us towards the first of the following four options (increasing our support for Jesudoss and Paulrani). Please join us in praying about these opportunities over the next 2-3 weeks and let us know what you feel God is saying to you about this (email Chuck at
a) Jesudoss and Paulrani - They want to increase their funding for two years to get the new elder care home up and running by paying for a third nurse so Paulrani can have some time off, and to cover any shortfall while it gets up and running.
b) Vidja and Ruth - They run a school of 300 children, care for 30 children, lead a church, and fund pastors through their balm project. The funding they currently receive is for scholarships for the children that attend the school there.
c) T-Raja Home of Hope - T-Raja takes in sick people off the street and shares the message of Jesus with them as he nurses them to health or cares for them till they pass. T-Raja gets the majority of his funding through local donations and grants.
d) Operation Barnabas and Operation Sahay - They support local Christians in India, and provide medical, social and educational support to the poor with the goal of sharing the gospel message. We could possibly partner with them in 18-24 months time.
5. Please continue to pray for our partners for the following things:
a) Chuenjit - three new team members; prospective church plant starting; pain in her feet; safety.
b) Good News Team - connecting with children who respond to them; developing literature for Detention Centers.
c) Jon & Nok and Nana - village reaching other villages; video series; outreach to monks; training Thai Christians in evangelism.
d) Jesudoss & Paulrani - elder care facility; employment opportunities for LBTGQ individuals.
Disrupted | 03/08/20
Study Questions - Luke 24:13-49
1. Share something good that's happened to you this past week amidst all the disruption.
2. What truths from the Bible are giving you comfort and hope right now?
a) What aspects of the disruption easily cause you to forget these truths?
3. Name one practical way you can 'saturate' yourself with the truth and God's presence.
4. How would you describe our purpose as believers in the world?
a) What passages in the Bible teach this?
5. What new ways and opportunities are you taking advantage of to fulfill your purpose?
6. Share a verse that communicates the character of God that is helpful to you at this time.
a) How have you experienced this in the past and how does that past experience give you hope today?
b) How have you experienced God's presence in this disrupted season?
7. Pray for each other.
Vision Sermon — “Well done...”
1. Share a past life event that confronted you with the spiritual realities of life. What did it teach you?
2. Read 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. Discuss the difference between God saying: “Welcome home…” and “Well done, good and faithful servant…”
3. Read Matthew 25:14-30 and Ephesians 2:10. What does diligent preparation for Heaven look like?
4. Where does happiness fit into God’s plan for us?
5. Share with the group which of the following ways of "living to win the crown” do you find most difficult, and why?
a) 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Living Intentionally and Obediently
b) 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 Having Kingdom Values
c) 2 Timothy 4:6-8 Owning Our Identity and True Home as Christians in the World
d) 1 Peter 5:2-4 Serving Others
e) Revelation 2:10 Paying the Price and Bringing Things Into the Light
01/13/19 Study Questions
The Tree and its Fruit
1. The Tree and its fruit.
a) What
do you think Jesus means by “fruit?”
b) Why is he describing agriculture norms?
c) Is there a loophole in what Jesus is saying? Can a bad tree/person bear good fruit? Why or why not?
d) Does the good tree/person always bear good fruit?
e) Describe the heart in this parable. What does it represent?
f) In what ways do you think treasure can be added to a heart?
g) Is Jesus speaking of “good deposits” into the heart or a new heart? Explain.
h) How does the mouth relate to bearing fruit and the condition of one’s heart?
2. Jesus' Lordship.
a) Jesus says, “Why do you call me ‘Lord’ but not do what I say”. What are some tangible examples of this?
b) What’s the connection between calling Jesus Lord and obedience?
c) Why is he worthy of obedience?
d) Can someone who doesn’t do what Jesus says call him Lord? Why or Why not?
e) Can you think of a time where you’ve heard Jesus direct you and yet you were disobedient?
f) Did that impact your relationship with Jesus? If
so, how?
g) Did you feel the need to address that with him?
If so, how?
h) Could you describe Jesus’ Lordship as both present
and progressive in your life? If so, how?
i) How does good fruit relate to Jesus’ Lordship? How do you bear good fruit?
3. The Two Houses.
a) Why might Jesus use the metaphor of a house with a strong foundation to describe a person living in obedience to Jesus’ Lordship?
b) How does obedience to Jesus relate to a person’s durability through trials?
c) Do all houses that aren’t built on the rock fall when the storm comes? Why or why not? How does this impact you?
d) Should these parables be understood in a personal sense, or in an ultimate sense? Why?
e) In what ways do you sense Jesus leading you in this discussion? How is he calling you to surrender and embrace his Lordship?
f) How will you practically embrace his Lordship?
g) Where do you need prayer to move forward in embracing Jesus’ Lordship?
04/29/18 Study Questions
Youth Service
1. What happened this week that has given you the most HOPE?
2. How do you personally define HOPE?
3. Read Ephesians 2:11-13.
4. Can you share about a time when you were "without hope"?
5. Read Romans 15:13. The New Living Translation says, "Then you will overflow with confident HOPE..." Is there a difference between HOPE and confident HOPE?
6. What is Jesus saying to you through this?