40 days of prayer - video


40 Days of prayer study questions

1. The Holiness of God  |  12/29/24

Study questions

1.  Read Exodus 15:1-11.  What was the context of this song being sung?  

     a)  In what ways might a deeper awareness or understanding of God's holiness impact our daily lives and decision-making processes?

2.  Read Isaiah 6:1-7 and Revelation 1:9-18.  Reflecting on Isaiah's and John's reactions to encountering God's holiness, how might we cultivate a greater sense of awe and reverence in our own worship and prayer lives?

3.  Read 1 Samuel 2:2.  How does the concept of God's holiness being His essence, rather than just an attribute, change your perspective on His nature?

4.  How can we balance the Old Testament laws and regulations about approaching God with the New Testament teaching of direct access through Christ?

5.  Read 1 Peter 1:16.  What are some practical ways we can respond to the call to 'Be holy, because I am holy' in our modern context?

2. The Eternality of God  |  01/05/25

Study questions

1.  Read Psalm 102:25-27 and Malachi 3:6.  In a world of constant change, the fact that God never changes is an anchor for our souls.  While everything around us may shift and fade, God remains eternally constant.  This truth should bring us immense comfort and security.  Reflect on areas in your life where you feel unstable or uncertain.  How does knowing that God never changes impact your perspective on these situations?

2.  Read Exodus 15:11 and Hebrews 7:26.  As we contemplate God’s holiness, we're confronted with our own imperfections and the vast gulf between our nature and His.  Yet, through Christ, we're invited into relationship with this holy God.  How does that make you feel?  Why?  

a)  What practical difference does it make to how you live?

3.  Reading Proverbs 15:3 and 1 John 3:20.  The all-seeing, all-knowing nature of God can be both comforting and convicting.  Nothing is hidden from Him.  He sees our struggles, knows our hearts, and understands us completely.  Reflect on the areas of your life you try to hide from others, or even from yourself.  Knowing that God already knows and loves you fully, how might embracing His omnipresence and omniscience lead you to greater honesty and freedom in your life?

4.  Read Psalm 147:5 and Genesis 1:1-3.  The all-powerful nature of God is displayed throughout Scripture, from the creation of the universe to the miracles of Jesus.  This same power is available to us through faith.  When we truly grasp God's omnipotence, our perspective on life's challenges shifts dramatically.  Consider a situation in your life that seems impossible.  How does viewing it through the lens of God's unlimited power change your outlook? 

a)  How might you experience God's power in a greater way in your daily life by trusting Him more?

5.  Read Isaiah 40:28 and Revelation 22:13.  The eternal nature of God transcends our limited understanding of time.  He is the beginning and the end, existing before all things and continuing forever.  This truth reminds us of our finite nature and points us toward an eternal perspective on life.  Reflect on how embracing God's eternality might change your priorities and decisions.  How does it impact your view of current struggles or successes? 

a)  What are some specific ways you could learn to live with an 'eternal mindset', focusing on what truly matters in light of eternity?

3. The Sovereignty of God  |  01/12/25

Study questions

1.  Read Romans 8:28-39.  God’s sovereignty is not a cold, impersonal force, but an expression of His perfect love.  Nothing can separate us from God's love, and God works all things together for the good of those who love Him.  Reflect on a time when you struggled to see God's hand in your circumstances.  How does the assurance of God's sovereign love change your perspective on that situation?

     a)  In what ways might believing in God's absolute control be comforting, and in what ways might it be unsettling?  Why?

2.  Read Proverbs 16:1-9, and James 4:13-15.  Our plans often feel definite to us, but God is the one who ultimately determines what we do.  Consider any current plans or hopes you have.  How would you feel if they were compromised or never happened?  Why?  

     a)  What might this reveal about how you approach life?  

     b)  What difference might it make if you began saying/thinking: “If it’s God’s will…” as you make plans?

3.  Read Romans 8:28.  God's purpose is to conform us to make us like Jesus, not to make us happy or successful.  How does this shift your perspective on God's work in your life?

4.  Read Ephesians 1:3-14, and 2:1-10. God's sovereignty is seen in our salvation.  God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world—it’s a gift of God's grace.  Reflect on your own journey of faith.  How has God worked in your life to bring you to Himself?

     a)  How have you experienced God sovereignly working in your life since you were saved?

5.  Read Romans 5:1-5, and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.  Suffering is inevitable in a fallen world, but God's sovereignty gives us hope even in our darkest moments.  It produces perseverance, character, and hope, and an eternal glory.  Think about a current struggle in your life.  How might God be using this difficulty to shape your character and deepen your faith? 

     a)  The Cross is a great example of how God sometimes does what He hates in order to fulfill His sovereign plan.  How does this impact your view of suffering or difficult circumstances?

     b)  God used His own suffering to achieve His purposes, so we can be confident that God is at work in our suffering to achieve His purposes too.  How does this change the way you respond to suffering, in your life and in other’s?

6.  Read Psalm 139:1-18, and Matthew 28:16-20.  God's sovereignty means that He is present and active in every moment of our lives—a source of comfort and strength.  Take a few moments to be still and aware of God's presence with you right now.  How does the reality of God's constant presence change how you approach your day?

3. The Power of God  |  01/19/25

Study questions

1.  Read Genesis 1:1-31 and Colossians 1:15-17.  The same God who spoke the universe into existence is intimately involved in our lives and holding all things hold together.  Reflect on how God's creative power is at work in your life right now.  Where do you need God to create something new?

     a)  What’s the difference between God changing our circumstances and God changing us?  

     b)  Which do you tend to pray for more often? Why?

2.  Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 and Ezekiel 36:26-27.  God doesn't just improve us; He fundamentally transforms us.  Ezekiel's prophecy of a new heart and spirit finds its fulfillment in Christ.  Can you think of a time when you experienced personally, or witnessed in someone else's character or circumstances, a significant transformation that you attribute to God's power? 

     a)  What aspects of your character or behavior still need God’s touch?

3.  God doesn't always use His power in the ways we expect or desire.  How do you reconcile this with your own prayers and expectations of God?

4.  Read Isaiah 40:28-31 and Philippians 4:13.  In our frailty God offers to share His strength with us so, through Christ, we can do whatever God asks of us.  Reflect on times when you've experienced God's sustaining power in difficult circumstances.  Where do you need His strength today?

5.  Read 1 John 4:4 and Romans 8:31-39.  God living in us is greater than any force in the world, and nothing can separate us from Him and His love.  How might this change your perspective on a challenge or difficulty you're facing right now.?

6.  Read Ephesians 1:18-23 and Romans 8:11.  The same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in us and can bring life to dead situations, hope to despair, and victory over sin.  Reflect on areas in your life that seem lifeless or hopeless—or dead.  How might God's resurrection power change those situations?

     a)  Are there any relationships, dreams, or opportunities you've given up on that God might want to resurrect?

7.  We experience God's power when we trust God and obey Him as He works out His purpose for our lives.  How might this change your approach to seeking God's power in your daily life?

     a)  Reflecting on figures like Daniel, David, and Esther, how can their examples of obedience and trust inspire us to step out in faith and potentially experience God's power in our own lives?