40 Days of Prayer

Join us and thousands of other believers across our denomination for 40 Days of Prayer, starting January 1st. This year’s focus is now. pray. Now is a word and concept that appears in Scripture. The word now can communicate our current reality—what we are now. It can also communicate a sense of urgency—what we need to do now. We’ll see both of these aspects of the word now surface during these days of focused prayer. You can re-watch sermons here.

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You can sign up for the weekly 40 Days of Prayer emails by registering by clicking here. Each week you'll receive an email containing a video summarizing the week’s prayer focus, an attachment with the daily devotionals for adults, daily devotionals for youth (via Instagram), and weekly devotionals for children.

Week 1 will focus our ears and minds on an urgent spiritual wake-up call. In week 2, we’ll be invited into a call to urgent intercession. Week 3 will remind us that in this current reality, we belong to the Lord. In week 4, we’ll see that now is the time to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth. In week 5, we’ll celebrate the reality that we are all part of the same Body, all part of the family of God. And finally, week 6 will remind us of the urgency of evangelism.

Let’s pray with a sense of urgency and pray that, above all else, we will see all kinds of people across this nation and around the world come to faith in Jesus Christ.